Donation in memory of the late Kathie Dubben

It was overwhelming to be informed that the late Kathie Dubben had arranged that donations in her memory are to be offered to Chaplaincy with the specific wish that the monies were to be used for the ‘Loved and Lost Baby Service’.

Kathie was supportive as a parent who had lost a beloved daughter whom she continued to remember and treasure.

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the donations of £455.00. This is an invaluable contribution to supporting the service of all who are affected by the death of a baby whether before or after birth.

This donation will help the Department to continue to walk with those who continue the pain of separation and whose babies are too precious to forget, and that this service will continue to offer compassion and hope in a safe space.

Once again, thank you Kathie and her family and friends for your kindness and generosity.  The next service is held at Bethel Church, Picton Terrace, Carmarthen, SA31 1BT on Saturday 27th April, 2024 at midday

With deepest appreciation,

Euryl, Senior Chaplain, Hywel Dda Health Board. 

Update 29/04/2024

A further sum of £135.00 has been received in memory of the late Kathie Dubben in respect of the Loved and Lost Baby Service (Chaplaincy)

A sum of £590.00 has been received and Euryl Howells, Senior Chaplain acknowledges the generous donations

Update 20/5/2024

A further credit of £200 was received on 20th May and the donations received are now £790.00.  We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your contributions.

Your generosity and support cannot be put into words but we acknowledge with gratitude and sincerity of the contributions received in memory of Kathie, and for her vision and commitment to this annual service. 

Update 24/6/2024

A further credit of £155.00 was received during June 2024 and the donations received are now £945.00. 

We are indebted to everyone who has contributed and for Kathie’s wish to support the ‘Loved and Lost Baby Service’ and to James and Daniel her sons for arranging this.  We extend our sympathies to all her family and friends

We will continue to ensure that the Loved and Lost baby Service will continue to offer the love and care in a safe space that those whose babies have died too soon deserve.

Euryl Howells, Senior Chaplain

Rhoddion er côf am y diweddar Kathie Dubben

Yn syfrdanol cawsom y wybodaeth fod y diweddar Kathie Dubben wedi trefnu bod rhoddion er cof amdani yn cael eu cynnig i’r Gaplaniaeth gyda’r dymuniad penodol i’r arian gael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer y ‘Gwasanaeth Babanod a Garwyd a Gollwyd’.

Roedd Kathie yn gefnogol fel rhiant a oedd wedi colli merch annwyl roedd hi yn parhai i’w chofio a’i thrysori.

Roeddwn i eisiau cymryd eiliad i fynegi fy niolchgarwch diffuant am y rhoddo £455.00 a ddaeth I law. Mae hwn yn gyfraniad amhrisiadwy i gefnogi gwasanaeth pawb yr effeithir arnynt gan farwolaeth babi boed cyn neu ar ôl genedigaeth.

Bydd y rhodd hon yn helpu’r Adran i barhau i gerdded gyda’r rhai sy’n parhau â’r boen o wahanu ac yn cadarnhau fod yr anwyliaid hyn  yn rhy werthfawr i’w hanghofio,  Ein gobaith ydi y bydd y gwasanaeth hwn yn parhau i gynnig tosturi a’r cyfle I ddod ynghyd mewn gwagle diogel.

Unwaith eto, diolch i Kathie a’i theulu a’i ffrindiau am ei caredigrwydd a’u haelioni. Cynhelir y gwasanaeth nesaf yn Eglwys Bethel, Teras Picton, Caerfyrddin, SA31 1BT ar ddydd Sadwrn 27ain Ebrill, 2024 am hanner dydd.

Gyda gwerthfawrogiad diffuant

Euryl, Uwch Gaplan, Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda.

Diweddariad 29/04/2024

Mae swm pellach o £135.00 wedi ei dderbyn er cof am y diweddar Kathie Dubben ar gyfer y Gwasanaeth Babanod a Garwyd a Gollwyd (Caplaniaeth)

Derbyniwyd cyfanswm o £590.00 ac mae Euryl Howells, Uwch Gaplan yn cydnabod y rhoddion hael.

Diweddariad 20/5/2024

Derbyniwyd credyd pellach o £200 ar 20fed Mai ac mae’r rhoddion a dderbyniwyd bellach yn £790.00. Roeddem am gymryd eiliad i fynegi ein diolch o galon am eich cyfraniadau.

Ni ellir rhoi eich haelioni a’ch cefnogaeth mewn geiriau ond cydnabyddwn yn ddiolchgar a didwyll am y cyfraniadau a dderbyniwyd er cof am Kathie, ac am ei gweledigaeth hithau a’i hymrwymiad i’r gwasanaeth blynyddol hwn.

Diweddariad 24/6/2024

Derbyniwyd credyd pellach o £155.00 yn ystod Mehefin 2024 ac mae’r rhoddion a dderbyniwyd bellach yn £945.00. 

Mawr yw ein dyled i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu ac i ddymuniad Kathie i gefnogi’r ‘Gwasanaeth Baban Cariad a Choll’ ac i James a Daniel ei meibion ​​am drefnu hyn.  Estynnwn ein cydymdeimlad i’w holl deulu a ffrindiau

Byddwn yn parhau i sicrhau y bydd y Gwasanaeth hwn yn parhau i gynnig y cariad a’r gofal mewn gofod diogel y mae’r rhai y mae eu babanod wedi marw yn rhy fuan yn haeddu.

Euryl Howells Uwch Gaplan