Donation to League of Friends 22 February 2015Cyfraniad i Gynghrair y Cyfeilliion 22 Chwefror 2015

On the 22nd of February,2015, chairman Arthur Phillips visted Hermon Chapel, Cynwyl Elvet to receive a cheque for the sum of £370. The money was raised by chapel members – young and old who had gone out carol singing in atrocious

winter weather – wind and rain- but were well rewarded for their efforts. On behalf of the League of Friends  – the chairman expressed his thanks for their generous donation.P1050803_edited-1Ar 22 Chwefror 2015 ymwelodd y Cadeirydd Arthur Phillips a Chapel Hermon Cynwyl Elfed i dderbyn siec o £370. Codwyd yr arian gan aelodau’r capel, hen ac ieuanc, pan fuont allan yn canu carolau ar noson stormus aeafol eithriadol, gwynt a glaw, ond gwobrwywyd hwy am eu hymdrech. Talodd y Cadeirydd ddiolch ar ran Cynghrair y Cyfeillion i’r aelodau am eu cyfraniad haelionus.